
martes, 22 de julio de 2014

Somatotype of female elite team of spanish premier league

Comunicación presentada por nuestro dietista-nutricionista Pablo A. López junto a José Miguel Martínez y Aritz Urdampilleta en el Congreso Mundial de Cineantropometría celebrado entre los días 10 y 12 de julio en la Universidad Católica de Murcia. 

Trabajo realizado con la plantilla del Sporting Club de Huelva durante la temporada 2013-2014 y publicado en la revista Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.

Introduction: Unlike the male football players, women has less support economically and followers. This difference is also visible in scientific terms as they are few published studies showing the somatotype characteristics of elite female football players (FFP). In addition, female soccer players in Spain, although playing in the top flight, are not considered as professionals.

Objective: The aim of this study is to assess the characteristics of somatotype of elite FFP.

Method: 19 FFP team first division club Sporting of Huelva were evaluated during the month of February 2014. Anthropometric measurements were taken as described in the reference manual, following the International Society of Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK). A International Certified Anthropometrist (ISAK, level 2) took the 10 variables necessary to calculate the somatotype: a) height, b) weight, c) skinfolds (subscapular, triceps, supraspinale and medial calf), d) girlths (arm flexed and tensed, and calf) and e) diameters (humerus and femur). To calculate the somatotype was determined, the three somatotype components separately (endomorphy, mesomorphy, ectomorphy), by the method of Heath-Carter. All FFP signed informed consent.

Results: Then the average somatotype of FFP is shown.

Conclusions: In the FFP of Sporting Club de Huelva there is a predominance of the mesomorph component, followed by endomorph and ectomorph. This not happens in other Major League players surveyed in 2009. Although, there are a somatotype reference to the Female Spanish first division players, it is necessary to further study this type of athletes to know their ideal somatotype according to playing position and nutritional intervention.

Tomado de: López -Cáceres PA, Martínez-Sanz JM, Urdampilleta A. Somatotype of female elite team of spanish premier leagueArch Med Deporte. 2014;31(3):175.

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